Hidden Gem Orchard is a boutique apple orchard located in Southbury, CT. We specialize in antique, uncommon, and modern-day apple varieties.

The Farm Stand is Closed for the season
For inquiries on bulk purchases please contact us via our website contact form.
Limited quantities of the following varieites available:
Honeycrisp, Ashmeads Kernel, Northern Spy, Baldwin, Crimson Crisp, Rosalee, Jonagold, Winesap, Pink lady, McIntosh, Golden Delicious, Fuji, Calville Blanc, Firecracker, Golden Russet, Red fleshed apple, also seconds and animal feed grade apples

We grow 31 varieties of heirloom and other unique apples at our orchard
Hidden Gem Orchard in the News

Here is where you can buy our apples